RUSC’s U9 – U12 Representative Teams play in the EODSA or ERSL’s District Development Leagues while U13 and above play in the EODSA or ERSL District Competitive and Regional leagues.
Joma is the point of sale for all uniforms for all U9 through U16 Competitive League players. All players are required to have shin pads. Cleats are mandatory.
Order your Competitive Uniform
Coach Compensation Fee
Registration Fee**
Purchase uniform from Joma***
If first-time registration with RUSC
Provide proof of birth date
Game day
* Refundable after 4 hrs of approved volunteer service
** Effective April 1st
*** (2 jerseys, 1 short, 1 pair of socks)
Competitive fees are charges imposed by EODSA on the Club. Once your child has been chosen to join a competitive team, these fees will be posted in your account and must be paid prior to the start of the season.
Team Fees
Team fees are costs that cover additional activities and expenses beyond regular practice sessions. These fees are typically associated with participating in tournaments, extra practice location, team building and year-end party. The specific fees and amounts can vary depending on the team. Team fees are set with the Coach and Manager at the beginning of the season. As a parent, it's important to understand the team fees associated with your child's soccer club and to plan accordingly. It's also important to communicate with the club if you have any concerns or questions about the fees as this affects the rest of the team.
Depending on the level of play, games may be played in the following locales:
Smith Falls
There are typically 12 games per season, which works out to one per week. Game days will remain constant throughout the season however some game days may change to accommodate rescheduling due to weather, etc. Game days are set by the Leagues and will be Monday through Thursday.
In addition to games, RUSC requests that Competitive Teams hold twice weekly practices with one normally being held on a Sunday evening.
Most Competitive Teams will play in 2 to 4 tournaments per season depending on the team as agreed between the Coaches, Team Managers and Parents. There are many Ottawa Valley tournaments and several in the Montreal and Gatineau areas.
Typical tournament fees are in the order of $350 – 400 per team and these costs can be offset by local fundraising activities and/or team fees.
Age Groups
RUSC offers the following levels of play depending on sufficient registrations in any age group. All players registered with RUSC are required to participate in the RUSC Competitive Team Tryouts for the upcoming soccer season and represent RUSC in the Eastern Region Soccer League (ERSL) or the Eastern ontario District (EODSA).
Try-out information
Tryout Schedule is usually end of February, beginning of March.
RUSC representative teams will be formed based on the number of registrations and attendance at tryouts.
Any player wishing to be part of a Competitive team must be registered as a Competitive player BEFORE attending the scheduled try-outs. Players trying out for a representative team are required to pay the RUSC and EODSA fee (see above) to cover additional costs such as: league membership (ERSL), administration, gymnasium and field usage. The fee will be refunded if the player is not selected.
All players must have a valid OSA player ID card. Once a roster has been put in place, players also have the option to make their own ID card by using the EODSA online service.
Soccer equipment required for competitive teams tryouts:
Gym gear (shorts and T-Shirt);
Gym shoes or indoor soccer shoes (NO OUTDOOR SOCCER SHOES), and
Shinpads, (MANDATORY).
Tryouts location:
Schedule TBD
All the details concerning the competitive season will be explained to you at the Tryouts.
For more information regarding the Competitive leagues, read Rules and Regulations – RUSC Competitive Soccer
Important: Arrive at least 15 minutes before start time.