How to Register for the Program
If this is your first time volunteering with RUSC, click on Sign Up and register as a Coach.
If you have volunteered previously, click on Log In using the email address and password you used to Sign Up and register as a Coach.
The Director – Recreational Youth Program or the Director – Recreational Micro Program will send you an acknowledgement once you are approved.
In past years, RUSC has encouraged parents to become coaches of the approximately 60 Development League teams ranging in age from 4 – 17 years old. This has worked to some degree of success, however should a child decide to quit playing soccer and the parent is the coach of the team then the Club not only loses the child but also the coach.
The Plan
RUSC is implementing the Ontario Soccer Association’s Long Term Player Development (OSA LTPD) program. As part of this implementation, the Club is approaching local high schools to identify students who may be interested in being a coach or assistant coach to our developmental (house) league teams in the 4 – 12 year old age groups. All game/practice sessions are held in the City of Clarence-Rockland.
The Curriculum
The Club has contracted a technical consultant to develop a curriculum, based on the LTPD, which will be provided to the students. A series of meetings will be held with the students and their parents to help them understand their responsibilities and train them on the curriculum.
The Numbers
The Club needs approximately 30 students in Grade 9 through 12. Each age-based league plays on a different night of the week (Mon – Thurs), which could allow one student to coach more than one team – on different nights.
The Benefits
Benefits to the Students :
The students will earn volunteer hours over the course of the season. Our season is typically 12-13 weeks long starting the long-weekend in May and ending with our Annual Soccer and Fitness Festival in August. The game/practice sessions start around 6:00 PM and end around 7:30 PM which means students can earn approximately 1.5 – 2 hours per night resulting in approximately 18 – 26 hours over the season. Coaching two teams on two different nights would provide the student with the minimum 40 hour high school requirement.
The students will also learn leadership, develop techniques in instruction, learn to work with children and parents and have a credible experience to add to their CV’s for University and future employment.
Coaches who complete the entire season will also be provided with a gift certificate to show the Club’s appreciation for their efforts.
Benefits to RUSC:
RUSC would like to develop a local set of coaches many of whom the Club expects would return over the next few years.
RUSC would be in a position in which it no longer needs to expend considerable volunteer and some financial resources identifying, locating and retaining coaches but rather could focus on developing coaches who can then develop the soccer skills of the children registered with RUSC. RUSC gains knowledgeable, coaches and players.
It is expected that some of these youth will remain in the community and eventually become involved as Adult Volunteers with RUSC.
Benefits to the Community:
The local community will benefit as up to 30 local youth will be active in assisting a local non-profit organization. A vital part of any community includes the facilities and programs it provides, such as a vibrant soccer program, which can be used to attract new citizens while retaining and developing current citizens.